General / 18 October 2019

Starburns Industries hired me to sculpt their Chef Logo in 3D.  I guess they liked me because they asked me to stick around and do some visual development on a pitch they were developing in the form of 3D maquettes since they were hoping to do the show in stop motion.  I worked from character paintings and sketches in the pitch book.  Like so many pitches this one never got past pitch stage.  It's a bummer that it didn't at least get a pilot but I am happy that I'm able to share it here now as it was super fun to work on.  I loved working with Joe Russo  (The bassist for Green Jelly, not the Russo brothers one) and James Fino (super nerd and super nice guy).  Being at the Starburns office during the production of Rick and Morty Season 2 was a big treat as well.  I got to meet some of the writers and artists working on the show and it was fun to sneak upstairs and take a look at the art on the walls.  I've done other work for Starburns since then but this one was super special!

Wade Randolph and Eric Acosta wrote Anatomy Park and Raising Gazorpazorp.

First pass done in ZBrush with Poly paint.  They liked it enough to have me do the rest of the cast.

The rest of the cast.  ZBrush and polypaint.

Mom. ZBrush and polypaint.

Mom with her goggles.  ZBrush and polypaint.

Runner.  ZBrush and polypaint.

Sam.  ZBrush and polypaint.

Carl.  ZBrush and polypaint.

Chip. ZBrush and polypaint.

Bark. ZBrush and polypaint.  

Dad. ZBrush and polypaint.

Grizzly Chuck and Old Man Musterberger.  ZBrush and polypaint.

I hit a stopping point and killed time waiting for Joe and James to get out of meetings by blocking Mom's laboratory.