Visual Development + 3D MODELING - Shred Fest 2016 Trophy and Graphics
First version of the trophy. I increased the size of the tree. Inscribing the date on the front and leaving the back open to indicate category and rank.
Shred Fest 2016 Trophy
Alternate Logo design.
Advertising art.
Advertising art.
Advertising art.
Alternate logo.
Alternate logo.
Branding / Advertising art.
Branding / Advertising art.
Video footage for Salt Lake City Shred Fest 2016 (not produced by me. The trophys are in here for a few frames.)
Visual Development + 3D MODELING - Shred Fest 2016 Trophy and Graphics
The Ski/Snowboard Trophy from Shred Fest 2016 and various designs generated for branding and advertisement.