Troll turnaround. 3D model created in ZBrush, Topogun and Maya. Responsible for sculpt, animation mesh and baking maps from the sculpt. The final was textured in Mudbox by a co worker.
Head topology was done by hand in Topogun. The body was done with ZMesher because of the tight deadline.
Environment piece - Foo Dog style A. Rendered in Keyshot. After I finished the Troll the director Nick Losq kept me on and had me do some environment pieces. ZBrush sculpt, Topogun retopo and Maya UV layout.
Environment piece - Foo Dog style B. Rendered in Keyshot. ZBrush sculpt, Topogun retopo and Maya UV layout.
Environment piece - Foo Dog style C. Rendered in Keyshot. ZBrush sculpt, Topogun retopo and Maya UV layout.
Environment piece - Zhou Pot. Rendered in Keyshot. ZBrush sculpt, Topogun retopo and Maya UV layout.
Work in Progress shot
Work in Progress shot
Still from commercial.
Still from commercial.
Still from commercial.
Still from commercial.
Still from commercial.
Still from commercial.
Still from commercial.
Still from commercial.
Character Art / Environment Art -Snapdragon Troll
Artwork for a Snapdragon processor commercial, Mage vs. Troll. I modeled, UV'ed and baked out the maps for the Troll and did a few environment pieces as well.