He-Hog digital toy done in collaboration with John K. John did an initial drawing and helped me work the sculpture in to a good spot.
Miley Cyrus Bangerz concert 3D asset. This was developed as part of an in concert video projection, but didn't make the cut.
Miley Cyrus Bangerz concert 3D asset. This was developed as part of an in concert video projection, but didn't make the cut.
Some ZBrush sculptures I did to study John's style and a few pitches for digital toys.
Some ZBrush sculptures I did to study John's style and a few pitches for digital toys.
Visual Development - John K stuff
Work done for John K. I developed a Miley Cyrus puppet toy for use in an in concert video, a He-Hog digital toy and also blocked in a few ideas for digital toys.